Remolino Gladys Jane, Canton, Khaye, Temeña, Mary Grace, Amor, Lovely Queen Fatima II, Camello, Michael, Camarillo, Mary Ellen, Alonso, Vevencio Jr.

Doi: 10.26480/csmj.02.2023.67.74

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The study assessed the design of the Argao Public Market’s current facilities as well as the various aspects taken into account when developing a new market layout in an effort to address the market’s deteriorating conditions, which include disorganized stall arrangements, a lack of parking spaces for cars, poor policy implementation, and a lack of supporting facilities. The new layout design was created by the researchers using the descriptive quantitative design and a research tool that utilized the Systematic Layout Planning Method and an inferential approach. The statistical analysis of the data revealed that Argao Public Market requires redesign due to poor layout which didn’t adhere to the standards for market construction. Based on the study’s findings, it showed that sectioning is required for most of the areas were not adequately divided based on the type of items being sold. Moreover, it was found that both incorrectly organized stalls and improperly filled spaces add to traffic congestion. As a result, the study’s proposal for a new market layout aid in resolving problems with the current facility, and to handle a high volume of market visitors given that Argao has an increasing population of 78,187 as per 2020 Population Census for Argao, Cebu, Philippines.

Pages 67-74
Year 2023
Issue 2
Volume 2