Nwosu Ndubuisi Levi

Doi: 10.26480/csmj.01.2024.27.31

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Inirecentitime, the iservice isector iof ithe ieconomy ihas iincreasingly iassumed iand iis playing ian iimportant irole iin ialmost iall ithe ieconomics iof ithe iworld. i iThis iservice-based ieconomics ihas icontinued ito iimprove ithe iliving istandard iof icitizens iliving iin such ieconomics. iThe ibroad iobjective iof ithe istudy iwas ito iinvestigate icustome4 iservices iin ifinancial iinstitutions, itowards iimproving iprofitability iin iAccess iBank iPlc, iUmudike iin iAbia iState. i iThe ispecific iobjectives iwere ito; idetermine ithe ieffect iof ion-time idelivery ion ithe iprofitability iof iAccess ibank iPlc, iUmudike iin iAbia iState, iexamine ithe irelationship ibetween iconvenience iand iprofitability iin iAccess iBank iPlc, iUmudike iin iAbia iState. iThe iresearcher ideveloped ithe ifollowing ihypotheses. iOn-time idelivery ihas ino isignificant ieffect ion iprofitability iin iAccess iBank iPlc, iUmudike iin iAbia iState. i iThere iis ino isignificant irelationship ibetween iconvenience iand iprofitability iof iAccess ibank iPlc. iCommunication ihas ino isignificant ieffect ion iprofitability iof iAccess ibank iPlc. iThe isample isize iof ithe istudy iwas i200 iusing ipurposive isampling itechnique. iThe ifindings ifrom ithe iresults ishowed ithat ion-time idelivery idoes ihave ian ieffect ion ithe iprofitability iof iAccess iBank iPlc, iat ia i1% isignificant ilevel. iThe ifindings ialso irevealed ithat ithere iexists ia ipositive irelationship ibetween iconvenience iand iprofitability. iThe ifindings ifurther irevealed ithat icommunication ithat ithe icustomers ienjoyed ihas ian ieffect ion ithe iprofitability iof iAccess iBank iPlc, iUmudike. iThe iresearcher, ibased ion ithe ifindings iof ithe istudy, ithe iresearcher imade ithe ifollowing irecommendations. iThe imanagement iof iAccess iBank iPlc, iUmudike, iAbia istate, iNigeria ishould ido ieverything iwithin iits ipower ito iensure ithat ion-time idelivery isystem iis imaintained iby ithe ibank, isince iit ihas ishown ias ibeing ieffective ion ithe iprofitability iof ithe ibank iand ithe iconvenience ithat ithe icustomers ienjoyed ishould inot ibe itampered iwith inegative, irather ishould ibe iimprove ito iincrease iprofitability, ias ithere iexists ia isignificant irelationship ibetween iconvenience iand iprofitability.

Pages 27-31
Year 2024
Issue 1
Volume 2