Zulfikar Hasan, Kamiluddin, Erik Susanto

Doi: 10.26480/csmj.01.2023.43.50

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ASEAN is an organization of countries in the Southeast Asian region. ASEAN provides many impacts on the world economy that can offer variations in economic progress. In ASEAN itself, many companies have been recognized internationally. In this journal, the author provides an overview of companies in the ASEAN region that have received good scores in Good Corporate Governance (GCG). In the approach in this journal, the author operates qualitative and quantitative procedures with the service of 5 scopes of the OECD regulations, namely Part A: Ownership of stockholder, Part B: righteous handling of a stockholder, Part C: Part of the stockholder, Part D: Exposure and Translucency, and Part E: Commitments of the council. From the results of the calculations that have been done, it can be given a little picture that Singapore and Malaysia have companies that are quite competitive in the international world. 7 Malaysian companies are in the top 20 of ASEAN’s best in terms of GCG, and 5 Singaporean companies are also in the top 20. Hopefully, this journal can provide an overview to academics or practitioners in their respective fields to improve company performance so that they can be included in the top GCG in the ASEAN region and imitated by other companies in the ASEAN region and outside ASEAN. In addition, ASEAN countries that have not been included in the GCG assessment can participate in assessing the company’s GCG performance.

Pages 43-50
Year 2023
Issue 1
Volume 1